Carl Lennertz Named Executive Director of the Children’s Book Council and Every Child a Reader

The former executive director of World Book Night U.S. and creator of the American Booksellers Association’s Book Sense Children’s and Adult Bestseller and Indie Next lists, Lennertz brings years of experience in bookselling, sales, and marketing in both children’s and adult trade publishing. His appointment — effective August 8 — was announced by Children’s Book Council board chair Jon Anderson and Every Child a Reader board chair Judith Haut.
Lennertz will oversee the development and expansion of both organizations’ programming, including Children’s Book Week, the Children’s Choice Book Awards, and the National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature.
Lennertz comes to the dual nonprofits with a healthy mix of new ideas and a desire not to disrupt what he calls a ‘sweet spot of a great program already in place.’ (Publishers Weekly)