Cecelia Ahern to Publish Her Debut Young Adult Fiction Books

“Ahern, whose bestselling books for adults include PS, I Love You and How to Fall in Love, sets Flawed and Perfect in a future society where perfection is valued above humanity and ‘flawed’ people who commit acts of disobedience or rebellion are branded with an F…Fortuitous publishing connections placed the manuscript for Flawed in Feiwel’s hands. Will Schwalbe was Ahern’s editor at both William Morrow and Hyperion before founding (with Katie Workman) cookbook and recipe website Cookstr in 2008. Macmillan acquired that company early this year, and Schwalbe is now executive v-p of editorial development and content innovation for the house. O’Connor had sent Ahern’s YA manuscript to Schwalbe; Schwalbe passed it on to Jon Yaged, president of Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group, who shared it with Feiwel.” (Publishers Weekly)