From the Sketchbook: Jacob Souva

This new CBC series features illustrators sharing their creative process to provide context to their amazing artwork. Our featured artist is Jacob Souva, a picture book illustrator born and raised in Syracuse, NY. He earned an illustration BFA from Syracuse University.
Below, Jacob Souva takes us through his illustrative process for his debut picture book Pedro’s Pan, which was written by Matthew Lasley.

“I knew I wanted Pedro to have a long skinny face and nose to contrast with the round circle shape of Pan. This is the first sketch of the pair and I think it really informed their relationship throughout the final artwork for the book.”

“I did some online sleuthing to familiarize myself with the world that the story takes place. I love the clothing from the time period and like the simple, practical nature of life back then. I wanted to contrast the dingy, mostly colorless clothes of the main character with the astounding beauty of the Alaskan wilderness (I also wanted to work red suspenders in!).”

“I didn’t do a color rough for every illustration in the book, but the opening scene sets the stage and I wanted to capture that “takes your breath away” moment that happens in nature.”
More of Jacob Souva’s art can be found in Pedro’s Pan,
a whimsical tale of one man and his pan’s journey in the wake of the Gold Rush, inspired by the true story of prospector Felix Pedro.