High Tide for Horseshoe Crabs
Every spring millions of horseshoe crabs crawl to the beaches of Delaware Bay to lay their eggs. There are so many crabs crowding the beach that their shells clack together. But they aren’t the only ones crowding the beaches for two weeks in spring.
Flocks of shorebirds migrating north from South America stop to feed on the horseshoe crab eggs. Each bird can eat thousands of the tiny green eggs.
People also flock to the shore. Scientists and tourists turn out to see the spectacle and learn more about the animals that call this place home for a few weeks. Scientists tag the crabs and study their migration and mating habits. Some people come to observe the birds.
Alan Marks’ gorgeous paintings bring the reader down to the shoreline to observe this exciting annual event that interconnects species.
Ages: 3-7
Illustrated by: Alan Marks
ISBN: 9781580896047
Price: $16.95
Published by: Charlesbridge Publishing, Inc.