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Early Career Committee Resources

Early Career Committee Resources

Explore everything the Early Career Committee has to offer to children’s publishing professionals during their first five years in the industry.

ECC One-Sheet

Get to know the Early Career Committee and how you can be involved with this info sheet. Download and share with colleagues.

ECC Event Videos and Transcripts

Early Career Committee events are typically open only to interns and those in their first five years of publishing. We welcome publishing professionals of all levels to explore and learn with the event videos and transcripts available. Recent events include Exploring Departments and Virtual Editorial Panel.
Email Paulina Ramirez for the password.

ECC Blog Posts

Throughout the year, Early Career Committee board members and others contribute to blog posts and newsletter content. Explore topics such as Mentor Corner and Day in the Life.

ECC 2023 Event Calendar

Events are held via Zoom unless otherwise noted. Events are open to CBC Member Employees and Interns only. Email Paulina Ramirez to be added to the mailing list for event invites.

  • July Book Club — July 11, 2024

Current Early Career Committee

Learn who is part of the ECC Committee here.

Newsletter Sign-Up

The ECC Newsletter is open to the public! All aspiring publishing professionals are welcome to sign up, and any current publishing professionals are encouraged to join.

Please email Paulina Ramirez to sign up.

Other Resources from the CBC

We encourage ECC participants to explore more content from the CBC for professional development and the continuing education of publishing professionals at all levels and departments. 

Please contact ECC liaison paulina.ramirez@cbcbooks.org with any questions. Current members are invited to take full advantage of their membership. Not sure if your publishing house is a member? Check out Our Member List.


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