Guide to Our Resources
Resources to help you spread the joy of children’s books and reading and the powerful impact books have on young people.
The Children’s Book Council’s programs, resources, and initiatives support and promote the work of children’s book publishers and their employees, children’s book authors and illustrators, as well as librarians, teachers, booksellers, parents, and book lovers nationwide.
Use this guide to navigate our extensive website better to take advantage of our free resources and curated information.
Resources for public and school librarians, teachers, booksellers, book lovers, and anyone engaging with young readers.
Book Lists & Awards
- CBC Hot Off the Press — Keep in the know about the latest books being published for children and teens.
- CBC Showcase — Check out books of all genres, formats, and age ranges highlighting a specific theme. Themes rotate seasonally and invite the discovery of both newly and previously published books. Search past showcases for specific topics of interest to you or the young readers in your care.
- Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12 — Science educators from a committee selected by NSTA choose the best science books for students K-12 of the year so that teachers, librarians, parents, caregivers, booksellers, and children’s book lovers nationwide can have access to high-quality reading resources to be used in and outside of the classroom.
- Best STEM Books — STEM experts from a committee selected by NSTA choose the best STEM books for students K-12 of the year so that teachers, librarians, parents, caregivers, booksellers, and children’s book lovers nationwide can have access to high-quality reading resources to be used in and outside of the classroom.
- Notable Social Studies Trade Books For Young People — Social Studies educators from a committee selected by NCSS choose the best social studies books for students K-12 of the year so that teachers, librarians, parents, caregivers, booksellers, and children’s book lovers nationwide can have access to high-quality reading resources to be used in and outside of the classroom.
- CBC FAVORITES Award Lists — Children from K-12th grade across the United States read and vote on their favorite books so that YOU–teachers, librarians, parents, caregivers, booksellers, and children’s book lovers nationwide–can find the best kid lit of the year in the following categories: Children’s Favorites, Young Adult Favorites, Teacher Favorites, and Librarian Favorites.
- Goddard Riverside-CBC Youth Book Prize for Social Justice — This award highlights nonfiction books for young readers that represent urban life and themes of community, compassion, and equality, celebrating the power of the written word to create changes.
- Inclusivity Book Lists — Searchable book lists that highlight some diversity and inclusivity topics.
Inclusivity Resources
These resource pages highlight reading lists and information from various respected organizations. These curated lists highlight the importance of diversity and inclusivity. Current topics include:
- Anti-Racist Resources
- Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders Resources
- Banned Books Resources and Booklists
- CBC Diversity Initiative
- Hispanic Heritage Resources
- Indigenous Peoples Books and Resources
- LGBTQIA+ Resources and Books
- Neurodiversity & Disability Resources
- Publishers’ Diverse Resources
- Strong Women and Real Change
- CBC Blog — Fun original content, press releases, program information, curated content, guest posts from publishing professionals and book creators, and news about our members all find a place at the CBC Blog.
- Social Media — The CBC shares great kids’ book content, amplifying our industry’s fantastic news, programs, and books. The go-to place to get your kid lit fix!
- Newsletters — Monthly newsletters and email communications to dedicated and engaged educators, librarians, booksellers, community leaders, caregivers, and readers, which highlight CBC and Every Child a Reader resources, news, programs, booklists, and more.
You can search all the books and book lists on our website by genre, age group, and format. This search function also shows you the awards, lists, and programs the books are part of.
Check out the various North American children’s publishers who are currently CBC Members. Explore our directory of independent children’s book publishers. Read our Publisher Profiles for a more in-depth look at various houses and their books, staff, and business.
Learn more about the Children’s Book Council—its history, mission, Board, and staff.
CBC Committees and Events
- ALA-CBC Committee — The ALA-CBC Joint Committee fosters communication and collaboration on mutual opportunities, concerns, and issues regarding the content, format, distribution, and promotion of materials for children and young adults as they relate to both the library and publishing communities.
- CBC Diversity Committee — A safe and open environment to discuss industry-wide challenges and solutions around the diversification of publishing staff through recruitment and retention. This committee focuses on panels and discussions around timely topics and sharing resources of benefit to publishing professionals and publishing houses.
- Early Career Committee — The ECC is dedicated to enriching the careers of those in their first five years in the children’s publishing industry, contributing to the industry’s vitality and fostering literacy. This committee offers a bi-monthly newsletter, book club, networking events, and panels on various topics throughout the year.
- CBC Ed. Talks — A series of virtual programming throughout the year that tackles topics of interest to the children’s book industry, usually in a panel format.
- CBC Graphic Novel Committee — The Graphic Novel Committee aims to contextualize, promote, and support the medium’s literary and financial success. This committee organizes events at Cons and virtually to highlight graphic novels and graphic novel creators.
- CBC Mid-Level Career Committee — This committee brainstorms and implements methods of connecting and offering mentorship opportunities to those in years 5-15 of their publishing careers. The committee offers virtual events, access to a networking directory, blog posts, and mentorship opportunities.
- Annual Meeting — The CBC Annual Meeting takes place each fall and is an opportunity to celebrate and connect with other publishing professionals.
- CBC Videos — The videos of CBC panels and talks are available for current publishing staff; email us for the password. Some videos are available to the general public.
Submission Opportunities
- CBC Hot Off the Press — Submit your new and noteworthy books to be featured prominently on the CBC Homepage and promoted via our social media channels.
- CBC Showcase — Submit to themed book lists rotated with the season for a chance to feature both front and backlist titles that reflect the theme.
- Outstanding Science Trade Books Awards — Submit your latest books for the possibility of being selected for the prestigious Outstanding Science Trade Books for Students K-12. This yearly co-sponsored award with NSTA represents the year’s best science books chosen by science educators. This list aims to provide high-quality reading resources to be used in and outside of the classroom by educators, librarians, parents, caregivers, booksellers, and children’s book lovers nationwide.
- Best STEM Books Awards — Submit your latest books for the possibility of being selected for the prestigious Best STEM Books. This yearly co-sponsored award with NSTA represents the year’s best STEM books chosen by Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics experts. This list aims to provide high-quality reading resources to be used in and outside of the classroom by educators, librarians, parents, caregivers, booksellers, and children’s book lovers nationwide.
- Notable Social Studies Trade Books Awards — Submit your latest books for the possibility of being selected for the prestigious Notable Social Studies Trade Books for Young People. This yearly co-sponsored award with NCSS represents the year’s best social studies books chosen by social studies educators. This list aims to provide high-quality reading resources to be used in and outside of the classroom by educators, librarians, parents, caregivers, booksellers, and children’s book lovers nationwide.
- CBC FAVORITES Award Lists — Submit to the only book awards voted on exclusively by kids. Children from K-12th grade across the United States read and vote on their favorite books so that teachers, librarians, parents, caregivers, booksellers, and children’s book lovers nationwide can find the best kid lit of the year in the following categories: Children’s Favorites, Young Adult Favorites, Teacher Favorites, and Librarian Favorites.
- Goddard Riverside-CBC Youth Book Prize for Social Justice — Submit to a prize that celebrates the power of the written word to create change in the name of justice for all people. It is given in celebration of nonfiction books for young readers that represent urban life and themes of community, compassion, and equality.
- Inclusivity Resources — Submit your own resources or other resources you’ve found helpful to make these inclusivity and diversity materials more comprehensive.
Partner Sponsored Opportunities
The CBC works with various outside groups to provide opportunities for member publishers to highlight their titles with diverse audiences. These opportunities can be ongoing or a one-time submission call. Some of our current partnerships include:
- United Against Book Bans
- The Mathical Book Prize
- Screen-Free Week
- Association of Jewish Librarians awards and lists
- Bank Street Spanish Books List
- Knowledge Quest
Publisher Resources
Check all your membership’s opportunities, benefits, and resources in our Member Benefits page. Also a great resource if you’re considering membership.
All publishers can explore our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources curated from reputable websites with publishing professionals of all levels and departments in mind. Resources include style guides, informative articles, databases for hiring sensitivity readers, and more.
- CBC Blog – Publishers can submit press releases, program information, and other news for promotion to the children’s book industry. Contributions are welcome!
- Social Media – The CBC directly promotes and amplifies the books, programs, authors, illustrators, and more of the CBC publishers and the book industry as a whole.
- Newsletters – Monthly emails highlighting important announcements, submission opportunities, industry news, and Every Child a Reader programs for our members.
You can search all the books and book lists on our website to see where your books have been selected or included in awards, lists, and programs.
Learn more about the Children’s Book Council’s history, mission, Board, and staff.