Heroic Women Of The Art World
Few women of art have been portrayed in depth for young readers. This book begins to correct the omission, with portraits of sixteen daring women from the Renaissance to the present. Renaissance artist Artemisia Gentileschi took the man who assaulted her to court and won. Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun escaped the French Revolution to paint portraits across Europe. Rosa Bonheur frequented slaughterhouses to master animal anatomy. Augusta Savage fought racism and poverty to become a leading sculptor. Pan Yuliang, sold to a brothel at thirteen, merged Chinese and western painting styles. Rose Valland spied on Nazi art thieves. Frida Kahlo painted through terrible pain. Mireille Ballestrazzi recovered stolen paintings. Zaha Hadid designed daring buildings with swooping curves. Their stories and those of seven others will inspire girls who want to find a place in the arts and girls who simply seek the courage to make their own voices heard in the world.
Ages: Teen
ISBN: 9781943431533
Price: $22.95
Published by: Tumblehome, Inc.