The Park Our Town Built
The mayor wants a community park and safe playground for the children. She enlists a group of kids to join her in asking one of the citizens to donate some of his land. When he agrees, he joins all the families and friends who set out to build swings, benches, gardens, and a fountain. There is excitement and a sense of purpose to build the park for all to enjoy. The whole town comes together to create a beautiful park and celebrate with a grand picnic and beautiful fireworks when the job is done.
The narrative text builds line by line and page by page, using repetition and imagery to create a charming story for young readers. Vocabulary recognition and matching pictures to the text help readers gain confidence in both comprehension skills and predicting a sequence of events.
This title is available in English–only or Embedded Text (English with Spanish sprinkled throughout) editions.
Ages: 4-6
Illustrated by: Tanja Bauerle
ISBN: 978-1-936299-12-6 (Bilingual Hardcover); 978-1-936299-14-0 (English only)
Price: $16.95
Published by: Raven Tree Press