2013 Picture Book Month
November is Picture Book Month, an international literacy initiative that celebrates the print picture book.
Every day in November, a picture book champion will submit a post at picturebookmonth.com, explaining why he/she thinks picture books are important.
The 2013 Picture Book Month Champions include:
David Adler, Dianna Aston, Rick Anderson, Larry Dane Brimner, Julie Danielson, Carmen Agra Deedy, Tomie dePaola, Emma Walton Hamilton, Rebecca Emberly, Sue Fliess, Zarah Gagatiga, Candace Fleming, Lee Harper, Jannie Ho, Steve Jenkins, Daniel Kirk, Jesse Klausmeier, Mercer Mayer, Bobbi Miller, Wendell Minor, Hazel G. Mitchell, Jerry Pinkney, Robert Quackenbush, April Pulley Sayre, Rob Scotton, Laura Vaccaro Seeger, Michael Shoulders, Wendi Silvano, Heidi Stemple, and Rosemary Wells.
Check out the Picture Book Month Teacher’s Guide ▸▸
To celebrate November is Picture Book Month, author Katie Davis produced this video with quotes from beloved and famous authors and illustrators all answering the same question, “What is a picture book?”: