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Robo-Sauce | July 1, 2015

by Adam Rubin, illustrated by Daniel Salmieri (Dial Books for Young Readers/Penguin Group USA, October 2015)

The hilarious one-two punch of a team behind the New York Times bestselling Dragons Love Tacos will return this fall with their seventh collaboration, Robo-Sauce. I was fortunate enough to get my squishy human hands on an advance copy, and let me tell you, it is one unexpected and inventive gem of a book.

When no one in the family will play with a young boy dressing up in a make-shift robot costume, an unseen narrator convinces the kid that the solution may just be to become an actual robot—with the help of robo-sauce, a magical elixir for which he or she happens to have a recipe. Flash! Bang! Boom! The boy becomes a bonafide robot complete with destructive powers like robo-rocket blast. As it turns out, that’s not much of an improvement as far as playmates go, so the boy is left with two options: take the robo-antidoto and change back to a boy, or figure something else out….

The amazing thing about this book is that kids will be able to “use” the robo-sauce themselves and turn the book into a robot. Don’t believe me? See Adam and Daniel demonstrate it for you right here.

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