Every You, Every Me | September 1, 2011
by David Levithan photographs by Jonathan Farmer (Random house, Sept. 2011)
David Levithan and Jonathan Farmer’s Every You, Every Me is a high school noir mystery by way of Jonathan Safran Foer for the emo generation. It’s contemplative, gentle, and avant-garde in an easily-digestible way. Rarely have I seen a YA novel so adeptly tap into a teenager’s inability to fully understand psychosis and an adult sense of guilt and regret. Our protagonist, Evan, is confused and lost since the mysterious ‘event’ surrounding the absence of his best friend Ariel. As the reader puts together the story of Ariel’s disappearance we see further into Evan’s pain and the complexities of their companionship. What starts out as conventionally weird ends up affectingly moving and sensitive.