September News | September 1, 2011

ECC Oktoberfest Happy Hour under the High Line
–J.R.R. Tolkien
Welcome to Fall, ECC’ers–
We hope everyone had a lovely and relaxing summer! The Early Career Committee has a heap of exciting news to ease the passing of Summer — along with Summer Fridays — for our community of those early on in their children’s publishing careers.
We would first like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to one Colleen AF Venable (First Second Books). Colleen designed the brilliant logo you see above for the Early Career Committee, and we couldn’t be happier with this fresh new face for our beloved ECC.
Coming up this Fall, we have a Publishing Luminaries Panel, and…wait for it…Extreme Trivia Challenge! We have confirmed our hosts for the latter — keep reading for more details!
Also within, find an infinitely informative Q&A with Kim Ryan, Assistant Director – Subsidiary Rights, at Penguin Books for Young Readers, a Meet-the-Imprint with Margaret K. McElderry Books, and an update about what the ECC Board is reading.
Check out pictures from last night’s Happy Hour under the High Line on the ECC Facebook page and tag away!
Here’s to a happy Fall!
–Your ECC