Extreme Trivia Challenge | November 1, 2011

From left: Carolyn Mackler, Gabrielle Zevin, Leila Sales (Viking/Penguin), Sara Sargent (Balzer + Bray), Heather Scott (Scholastic), Becky Shapiro (Scholastic), Christine Sikule (Penguin)
Thanks so much to everyone who attended the CBC Early Career Committee’s 8th Annual Extreme Trivia Challenge: Battle for the Golden Bunnies on Tuesday at Scholastic’s Education Resource Room. Over 75 children’s book publishing staffers vied for the legendary golden bunny trophies in our notoriously brain-wracking contest of children’s literature knowledge.
The event was hosted by the enviably witty bestselling authors Carolyn Mackler and Gabrielle Zevin and led by the lovely ECC Chair Mary Van Akin (Random House).
Congratulations Team 10, the Evening’s Victors!
Leila Sales (Viking/Penguin)
Sara Sargent (Balzer + Bray)
Heather Scott (Scholastic)
Becky Shapiro (Scholastic)
Christine Sikule (Penguin)
Bunny-Ears-Off to Team 5!
Kate Jacobs (Roaring Brook Press)
Jackie Jou (Macmillan)
Liza Keplan (Dutton/Penguin)
Becca Kilman (Penguin)
Liz Tardiff (HMH)
One mystery member, sorry!
The evening’s diabolically difficult roster of questions, concocted over several weeks by members of the ECC board, included:
- Provide the respective names for each of the positions in the Babysitter’s Club
- Name the children’s author with this day job: “Hobo, gold prospector, oyster pirate.” A: Jack London
- Which children’s book author wrote the lyrics to “A Boy Named Sue”? A: Shel Silverstein
- The perennial favorite “Book Meets Book” category: Q: Four mystery-solving children prove to be less-than-successful companions for a certain bear. A: Boxcar Children Make Terrible Pets
In its 8th year, the CBC Early Career Committee’s Extreme Trivia Challenge was, as always, an evening equal parts fun and bloodthirsty (maybe it should be called the Battle for the Golden Bunniculas)! Well played, everyone!
Big thanks to all of you who helped stir up a #goldenbunnies Twitter fever!