ECC on TV! | May 1, 2012

Annie Stone and Katie Bignell (HarperCollins)
Our fascinating and outrageously informative Contracts Negotiation Seminar went off without a hitch, thanks wholly to our incredible guest speakers, Sean P. Fodera, Associate Director of Contracts at Macmillan, and agent Marcia Wernick, of Wernick & Pratt Agency. Sean started by teaching us everything we’ve always wanted to know about contracts but were afraid to ask, and then together, Sean and Marcia shed some much needed light on the contract negotiation process.
And just a week later, the ECC was on TV! To promote the Children’s Book Council’s annual Children’s Book Week, we called upon ECCers everywhere to rally in the early morning on the plaza of the Today Show! Our spectacular 7 AM crew waved signs and wore red, and the cameras couldn’t resist us! So if you thought you saw a gaggle of ECCers on the Today Show – you did! THANK YOU again to everyone who came out!