An F&G of the PDF on the FTP | July 1, 2012
by Svetlana Keselman, Subsidiary Rights Assistant, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
BLAD – Basic Layout and Design
-Sales Rep. to Barnes & Noble Seller: That book is months away from publishing, but I do have a BLAD available if you want to see a sample chapter.
F&G – Folded and Gathered
-Subrights Assistant: When are we getting those F&G’s in from marketing? Our Japanese subagent would like to see something before the finished book is ready.
FTP – File Transfer Protocol
-Editor: Can you send me that photo?
-Production Coordinator: It’s huge, I’ll put it on the FTP site for pickup!
OP – Out of Print
-Author’s relative: Why am I not getting royalties for my great grandmother’s book?!
-Royalties dept.: It’s been OP for the past fifty years…
OS – Out of Stock
-Customer: Can I place an order?
-Warehouse: It’s OS so you have to wait until the reprint next month.
OSI – Out of Stock Indefinitely
-Publisher: Ah, I don’t want to tell the author his book is OSI!
POD – Print On Demand
-Customer: I want 10,000 copies of that book!
-Customer Service Rep.: It’s POD, so we’ll place an order at the printer.