Anti-Valentine’s Happy Hour | April 3, 2013
by Matt Dinda

While the rest of NYC was preparing for their romantic holidays, the ECC gathered the day before Valentine’s to drink their romantic sorrows away! About 40 ECC members met at West Third Common, where the drink specials are dangerous and the bartenders generous. We started the night chatting away and catching up with friends, both old and new. Our members played Networking BINGO, which encouraged them to find people with such rare qualities as: “Lives outside Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens”, or “Is a Published Author”. Most of us realized that we all live pretty close to the office, but some of us do have some secret assets! Our grand BINGO winner was Samantha Mandel of Henry Holt BFYR/Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group, who walked away with an enviable box of Godiva chocolates! It was another fun and boozy Happy Hour sponsored by the ECC, and even if you didn’t have a reason to celebrate Valentine’s Day, we made sure you weren’t alone solo!