Volunteering with Project Cicero | April 3, 2013
by Matt Poulter

ECC board members Annie Nybo, Chris Hernandez, Anna Dobbin, and Svetlana Keselman prep the tables for Project Cicero's book drive
On the weekend of March 9th and 10th, several ECCers found themselves in the Hotel Pennsylvania, surrounded by people rushing back and forth with suitcases. These weren’t tourists enjoying New York’s famed March weather though, they were teachers and librarians from New York City’s under-resourced public schools, and the suitcases were filled with donated books. The ECC joined Project Cicero and their small army of volunteers to sort through donated books, organize tables, and generally help get great books into the hands of kids and teens. Though the energy of the room was similar to that of an ant hill, and more than once we had to remind ourselves that that really cool, British version of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone wasn’t for us, we’re glad to have played a part in such a worthwhile event. A special thanks to Project Cicero for inviting and feeding us. We hope you’ll all join us for the next volunteer opportunity!