“When ECC Met YPG” Mixer | June 5, 2013
by Jennifer Ung

The Wonder Twins of young-to-book-publishing groups unite! On April 17th, members from the Children’s Book Council’s Early Career Committee and the Association of American Publishers’ Young to Publishing Group gathered at the mega-popular Ginger Man, where they mixed and mingled over craft beers, cocktails, and delicious food. ECCers and YPGers alike were able to catch up with old friends, bond over books they’ve been dying to talk about (“What do you mean you haven’t read The Fifth Wave yet?”), buzz about the latest industry news, and informally learn about what each organization is all about. Over 60 people were in attendance, making this mixer one of the largest social events we’ve had this year. Amidst the frenzied flurry of young professionals exchanging business cards, learning about different parts of the book publishing process, and forging new friendships, one thing is clear: the YPG and ECC will definitely meet again.