The Impossible Knife of Memory | January 29, 2014
by Laurie Halse Anderson (Penguin/Viking Juvenile, January 2014)
As soon as I heard Laurie Halse Anderson had a new book out, I knew I HAD to read it (admittedly, it was quite a while before I actually was able to get my hands on one!). I loved Speak, and the gritty darkness and beautiful writing Halse Anderson lends to all of her books. Just as I expected, The Impossible Knife of Memory’ tackled difficult topics – in this case, the main character’s father suffers from severe PTSD.
I loved how incredibly raw this book was at points , and the relationship between the main character and her father was absolutely fascinating to me. Halse Anderson doesn’t gloss over anything, which I appreciated (and I’m sure many teens nowadays will, too), and all of her characters are flawed and unique and beautiful in so many different ways – just like her readers, just like us.