We Were Liars | February 6, 2014
by E. Lockhart (Random House/ Delacorte Press, May 2014)
As a massive fan of The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, I was thrilled to receive an advance copy of Lockhart’s newest novel, We Were Liars. This book combines some of my favorite staples of contemporary YA; close knit friends, fraught family dynamics, first love, and a dark mystery. The story — that of a damaged teen trying to piece together the details of a tragic accident she can’t remember — pulled me in right away.
But it’s Lockhart’s powerful writing that make me want to read We Were Liars again and again and give a copy to everyone I know. Her concise characterizations delve right to the heart of each of the four “Liars”, and the sparseness of her prose echoes the fragility of the world — and the lies — in which they live. The result is a book that tears, rather than tugs, at your heartstrings. It’s heartbreaking, haunting, and unforgettable.