A Monster Calls | April 16, 2014
by Patrick Ness (Candlewick, March 2013)
I recently read A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness, illustrated by Jim Kay. I was sent the book from a college friend who now works at Candlewick Press. Usually we request specific books from one another but she sent this very special title to me on a whim. I loved so much about this enlightened, sad tale: the elements of classic horror stories, the bravery of a terrified Conor, the dark and intense humor, the pairing of haunting illustrations with masterful text, even the silences. Ness writes about loss and sorrow so beautifully and honestly that the reader feels both consumed and cradled by the story and the relationships within it. I squeezed the book sporadically as I read it – I wanted to hold Conor and twist the arm of the monster… I wanted to hug the author for conquering a picture book for adults that doesn’t spare any compassion. I’m a wide-eyed child over this book.