The Little World of Liz Climo | October 22, 2014
by Liz Climo (Running Press, September 2014)
A close second to All My Friends Are Dead by Jory John and Avery Monsen, The Little World of Liz Climo is one of my favorite children’s books for adults. I didn’t know about Liz Climo’s blog, in which she charms her fans with whimsical and witty animal characters, but the book truly won me over. Liz, who is a 10-year animation veteran of ‘The Simpsons’, is funny and smart and lovable in her comics. This collection features 100+ jokes, short stories, and thoughts, starring her beloved animal friends in all kinds of humorous situations. One of my favorite spreads features a close-up of two goldfish in water—the one on the left asks, “You wanna hang out later?” The second image is a zoomed out version, revealing the two fish close together in a small fish tank. The fish on the right responds, “Yeah, probably.”