Q&A with Erin Stein, Publisher at Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group | September 29, 2015

What was your first job in publishing?
In college I worked at The Arizona Daily Wildcat in several roles: copy editor, arts reporter, columnist, and wire editor. Then my first job in the Big Apple was at Time Inc. Custom Publishing. I’ve worked in newspapers, magazines, and books!
What has been the biggest turning point in your career so far?
I truly feel each job that I’ve held has been a major turning point. I’ve learned so much at each one, and had amazing opportunities to grow with each new position. I’ve been very lucky, but this latest turn in my career feels very big!
You just started your own imprint, Imprint. Can you tell us a little about it?
Imprint is just getting started and I’m incredibly excited by the possibilities…I’ve said a lot elsewhere about the approach to the list, but ultimately I feel it’s about coloring both inside and outside the lines. The strategy is to be smart about it, but at the same time take a risk and do something different. To make a mark on the world!
What do you consider to be the best aspect of running Imprint? And the most challenging aspect?
The best aspect is the creative freedom…but, as they say, with freedom comes responsibility!
What advice would you give to a young professional in the industry?
My advice is to ask questions, find a mentor, work at more than one house, gain some perspective, and never forget there is a reader at the other end of this big fat publishing process.
What are you reading now?
I’m finishing Leigh Bardugo’s Grisha Trilogy, which I love, and I also recently caught up on Lauren Beukes’ novels The Shining Girls and Broken Monsters. They were incredible! Next I want to finally read Ready Player One. It’s long overdue.