Everything, Everything | September 28, 2016
by Nicola Yoon (Delacorte Press, September 2015)
Madeline Whittier, afflicted with a disease that has caused her to spend her entire life shut off from the outside, is about to have her world turned upside down. When a moving truck and a new family appear in front of the house next door, Maddie gets her first glimpse of Olly, and from there the two come to form a friendship. But between e-mails, IM messages, and brief (yet ill-advised) meetings, that friendship turns into something more, making Maddie ready to tear the walls down in order to truly live.
This was the first book in a long time that I read in one day. It’s a fast, light and fluffy read, interspersed with diagrams and doodles drawn by the author’s husband, that just zooms by. The romance is adorable, and Maddie’s voice is strong and powerful.
I went into Everything, Everything already knowing the Big Twist, which either shocks or frustrates readers, and oddly enough, this is the one time a spoiler positively affected my impression of a book. All I will say is that there are a few layers to this twist that enhance the read and pave the way for further discussion and moreover, future rereads