Littler Women: A Modern Retelling | February 21, 2018
By Laura Schaefer (Paula Wiseman Books/Simon & Schuster)
My mom and I have always loved Little Women. She tried so hard when I was young to share her favorites from her own childhood—namely, Nancy Drew and Little House on the Prairie—but I never took to any of them like I did Little Women. We both periodically reread it (though there is one part that we always skip for being too boring—ten points if you can guess which part), and when I saw that Simon & Schuster was publishing this middle grade retelling, I had to tell my mom right away. She, of course, ordered it, read it, and passed it along to me—and it was so worth it!
In Laura Schaefer’s absolutely darling version, the March sisters get a slight update (Meg is a fashionista! Someone has a secret crush!), but their sisterly camaraderie still holds the same charm. As they deal with the changes and tensions that come along with growing up (but never apart), including getting to know their new neighbors the Lawrences, the girls teach the same valuable lessons about family and friendship as in the original. The recipes and craft projects at the end of each chapter add a bit of fun to what could be considered by some (not me) to be an old-fashioned kind of story. All in all, this is a sweet introduction to one of the greatest sister books ever written. (PS: I’m a Beth.)