Event Recap: International Literacy Association (ILA) Annual Conference, and the first ever Children’s Literature Day 2018 | August 1, 2018

By Jessica Anderson (Macmillan Children’s Books)
ILA is known as one of the premier educator conferences of the year, and this summer’s programming in Austin was especially noteworthy with the first ever Children’s Literature Day. The core conference took place Saturday and Sunday, July 21-22nd, with the Children’s Literature Day following Monday, July 23rd.
Children’s book creators made meaningful connections with educators and literacy specialists through a variety of events ranging from theme-based panels to book signings and educator speed dating. The ILA Awards luncheon featured a series of moving remarks, including Emma Otheguy’s homage to the amplitude of Latinx identity as she accepted the Award for Intermediate Nonfiction. Colby Sharp delivered a keynote presentation about the unique power of educators to ignite a deep love of reading in every kid, at every age. I was lucky enough to support our authors and see the joyful waves of appreciation flow back and forth between them and the educators who teach from their books every day.
Though most trade and library conferences place a special emphasis on frontlist titles, ILA is more inclusive of backlist books with tried-and-true classroom appeal. With this in mind, publishers offered discounted book sales and giveaways all weekend long so that educators could maximize the takeaway for their classrooms. It was a productive and celebratory weekend all around!