Job Moves

April / May / June 2017
Cassandra Fernandez, formerly corporate communications assistant at Simon & Schuster, has joined as Random House Children’s Books marketing assistant.
Sydney Tillman has joined Random House Children’s Books as publicity assistant.
Danielle Finnegan has joined has Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing as digital marketing assistant.
Amy Hendricks is joining Simon Pulse, Aladdin, Little Simon, and Simon Spotlight as marketing coordinator, effective June 26.
Nicole Fiorica has joined Margaret K. McElderry Books as editorial assistant.
Casey Nugent has joined as subsidiary rights assistant.
Janine Perez has been promoted to associate digital marketing manager at Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing.
February / March 2017
Carmen Álvarez formerly at HarperCollins Children’s Books, has joined Abrams as assistant marketing manager for its Wimpy Kid brand.
Nicole Schaefer has been promoted to marketing and publicity associate.
Shifa Kapadwala formerly publicity assistant at Simon & Schuster and current ECC Board member, has joined the Children’s Book Council and Every Child a Reader as publicity manager.
Russ Busse has been promoted to associate editor for licensing, brand, and media tie-ins.
Nicole Brown has been promoted to junior designer.
Kheryn Callender has been promoted to assistant editor.
Jenny Choy has been promoted to associate director of school and library marketing.
Jessica Harriton has been promoted to assistant editor at Razorbill.
December 2016 / January 2017
Hannah Allaman moves up to assistant editor at Disney-Hyperion.
Emeli Warren moves up to associate editor.
Jessica Anderson moves up to assistant editor at Christy Ottaviano Books.
Claire Dorsett has been promoted to assistant editor at Roaring Brook Press.
Rachel Murray moves up to assistant editor at Holt.
Anu Ohioma joins Grosset & Dunlap as editorial assistant.
Emma Kantor will join the team as associate children’s book editor on February 1. She was formerly publicity and digital content manager at the Children’s Book Council and Every Child a Reader.
Kristina Forest joins the team as subsidiary rights coordinator. She was formerly subsidiary rights assistant at Simon & Schuster Children’s.
Alexandra Hightower joins Delacorte Press as editorial assistant.
Kelsey Horton is now associate editor at Delacorte Press. She was formerly at Katherine Tegen.
Audrey Ingerson joins Delacorte Press as editorial assistant. She was previously sales coordinator at Random House Children’s Books.
Lauren Morgan moves up to subsidiary rights assistant manager.
Emily Petrick has been brought on as educational marketing associate. She was most recently an advertising and promotion coordinator at Macmillan Children’s.
Jenna Ballard moves up to associate editor, licensed publishing.
Isa Caban joins the team as associate marketing manager. She was most recently at Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing.
Emily Feliberty has been promoted to associate director of marketing and publicity for Klutz.
Milena Giunco moves up to publicity coordinator.
Sophia Pestun has been named associate business manager.
Christine Reedy has been promoted to marketing coordinator.
Melissa Schirmer joins the team as assistant production editor. She was previously at Books of Wonder.
Weslie Turner moves up to assistant editor, Arthur A. Levine Books.
Alexandra Wladich has been promoted to associate director, corporate communications.
Jessica Harold joins the company as marketing assistant. She was formerly an intern at Galt & Zacker Literary Agency.
October/November 2016
Brittany Mitchell moves up to assistant marketing manager, school & library.
Tanya Seamans joins the company as contracts and royalties assistant. She was formerly editorial assistant at Publishing Solutions Group.
Alice Jerman is being promoted to associate editor.
Alyssa Miele moves up to associate editor.
Rebecca Schwarz is being promoted to assistant editor at Katherine Tegen Books.
Gaby Salpeter has joined the team as marketing coordinator. She was previously web manager and events coordinator at Books of Wonder.
Marissa Grossman moves up to associate editor at Razorbill.
Emily Bamford joins the company as associate publicist. She was formerly an associate publicist at Atria.
Jena Debois joins the company as marketing assistant.
Karen Greenberg moves up to assistant editor at Knopf Books for Young Readers.
Robby Imfield has joined the company as associate marketing manager.
Monica Jean has been promoted to assistant editor at Delacorte Press.
Colleen Nuccio has been promoted to marketing coordinator.
William Vogan joins Schwartz & Wade Books as editorial assistant.
Kristin Vogt joins the company as marketing assistant.
Janine Perez has been promoted to digital marketing coordinator.
Jessica Smith joins Simon Pulse as editorial assistant.
August/September 2016
Lindsey Karl moves up to assistant manager of conferences and conventions.
Alex Ulyett has been promoted to associate editor at Viking Children’s Books.
Julianne Conlon has been named associate manager of the digital marketing team. She was previously social media specialist at
Samantha Gentry moves up to assistant editor at Crown Books for Young Readers.
Mallory Matney moves up to assistant manager of marketing operations.
Casey Moses has joined the house as design assistant.
Bridget Runge joins the company as events assistant.
Megan Williams has been promoted to assistant managing editor.
Tricia Lin joins Aladdin as editorial assistant.
Sarah McCabe has been promoted to assistant editor.
Amanda Ramirez has joined the company as editorial assistant. She was formerly bookseller at Barnes & Noble and copy editor for Petite Hounds Press.
Nina Simoneaux takes on the role of junior designer at Aladdin. She was formerly design assistant at Random House Children’s Books.
Jessica Smith joins Simon Pulse as editorial assistant.