The Children's Book Council's Early Career Committee (ECC) is dedicated to enriching the careers of those in their first five years in the children’s publishing industry, contributing to the vitality of the industry as a whole, and fostering literacy. Learn more

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ECC News

ALA Midwinter Booths

ALA Midwinter Booths | January 1, 2012

Your fellow ECCers will be manning the booths below at ALA Midwinter. Stop by and say “hi”! Abrams Books – 1604 Bloomsbury / Walker Books for Young Readers – 1506 Candlewick Press – 1711 Disney – Hyperion Books – 1423 …

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Extreme Trivia Challenge

Extreme Trivia Challenge | November 1, 2011

Thanks so much to everyone who attended the CBC Early Career Committee’s 8th Annual Extreme Trivia Challenge: Battle for the Golden Bunnies on Tuesday at Scholastic’s Education Resource Room. Over 75 children’s book publishing staffers vied for the legendary golden …

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Happy Holidays, ECC!

Happy Holidays, ECC! | November 1, 2011

It might seem early to be saying happy holidays, but winter is sneaking around the corner.  It has been a very busy Fall for the Early Career Committee.  On Tuesday, many of you went head-to-head in the quest for  Golden …

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September News

September News | September 1, 2011

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”  –J.R.R. Tolkien Welcome to Fall, ECC’ers– We hope everyone had a lovely and relaxing summer! The Early Career Committee has a heap of exciting …

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Harry Potter Trivia Night: It All Ends Here

Harry Potter Trivia Night: It All Ends Here | July 1, 2011

The Early Career Committee of The Children’s Book Council hosted a Harry Potter Trivia Night of epic proportions at the CBC office.

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