The Children's Book Council's Early Career Committee (ECC) is dedicated to enriching the careers of those in their first five years in the children’s publishing industry, contributing to the vitality of the industry as a whole, and fostering literacy. Learn more

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The ECC Questionnaire

Discover how familiar faces in publishing got their start!
Christine Hung, Digital Marketing Manager, Random House Children’s Books

Christine Hung, Digital Marketing Manager, Random House Children’s Books | November 18, 2011

CHRISTINE HUNG, digital marketing manager, Random House Children’s Books What was your first job in children’s publishing? How did you come to publishing/digital?   My first job in children’s publishing is my current position, actually! I started out in editorial …

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Kim Ryan, Assistant Director, Penguin

Kim Ryan, Assistant Director, Penguin | September 1, 2011

KIM RYAN Assistant Director – Subsidiary Rights, Penguin What was your first job in children’s publishing? How did you come to publishing/sub-rights?   My first job was right here at Penguin. I had no idea what a sub-right was, but then …

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Jason M. Wells, Executive Director, Abrams Books for Young Readers | Amulet Books

Jason M. Wells, Executive Director, Abrams Books for Young Readers | Amulet Books | July 1, 2011

JASON M. WELLS executive director, publicity and marketing Abrams Books for Young Readers | Amulet Books What was your first job in children’s publishing?In 1992, as a junior in high school, I started as an after school intern at the …

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