The Children's Book Council's Early Career Committee (ECC) is dedicated to enriching the careers of those in their first five years in the children’s publishing industry, contributing to the vitality of the industry as a whole, and fostering literacy. Learn more

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Who's Reading What on Wednesdays?

Each week, Early Career Committee members are asked to recommend a book published by a house other than their own. Here are their (anonymous) picks...
The Name Of The Star

The Name Of The Star | August 24, 2011

Boarding school mischief mixes with an eerie ghost story in the new Maureen Johnson. When Rory moves to London, she expects new friends, new culture, maybe a new boyfriend. Then a rash of murders start replicating Jack the Ripper’s killings. …

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Daughter Of Smoke And Bone

Daughter Of Smoke And Bone | August 17, 2011

Daughter of Smoke and Bone – A new Laini Taylor. What better hook do you need than that? Perhaps one that describes a 17-year-old art student living in Prague with naturally blue hair and mysterious hamas tattooed on the palm …

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Warm Bodies

Warm Bodies | July 2, 2011

Mmm, mmm brains? Try mmm, mmm zombies. Warm Bodies is the story of the loveable (yes, loveable) zombie R and his struggles with personal identity, first love, and the inconveniences of postmortem decay. After munching on a teenage boy’s brain, …

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The Girl of Fire and Thorns

The Girl of Fire and Thorns | July 1, 2011

Ever since Kristin Cashore’s Fire, I have been craving a good fantasy read.  When a bookseller friend mentioned that Tamora Pierce has given a quote for The Girl of Fire and Thorns, I rushed to track down a galley and …

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