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  • Fifth National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature To Be Inaugurated on January 7, 2016

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Press contacts:Paul Crichton, PR for the Children’s Book Council, (917) 478-0517; pcrichton@yahoo.comGuy Lamolinara, Library of Congress, (202) 707-9217; glam@loc.govPublic contact: Center for the Book, (202) 707-5221; cfbook@loc.gov …

  • Industry Q&A with agent Brooks Sherman

    Tell us about the most recent diverse book you represented.
    My most recent sale, which has not yet been publicly announced, is a young adult novel that fearlessly confronts the national and cultural issues concerning the “Black Lives Matter” movement. I can report that this project sold in a highly aggressive auction, which would indicate that publishers are very interested in this kind of narrative. I’m looking forward to sharing more news about this fantastic book in early 2016!

    How do you go about finding diverse authors and illustrators?

    I have found social media, particularly Twitter, to be very useful as a platform for letting writers know the kinds of themes and stories I’m looking to represent. Several of my now-clients first approached me because they saw me talking about issues and concepts I was hoping to find in my submissions. Also, the sales of past books with diversity elements have helped position me as an agent with a strong interest in this area.


    How do you encourage emerging writers of color?

    I have learned a lot these last couple years about being a good ally, listening, and helping to promote the voices of writers — and readers — of color. (That’s not to say I believe I have all the answers; I’m definitely still learning.) I think, for an ally, it’s important to make room for writers of color to have the floor, to bring others’ attention to them but then quickly remove yourself from the spotlight.

    What is one of the biggest challenges for authors who want to include more diversity in their books?

    I think one issue is finding the right balance between theme or message, and story. I have seen a lot of submissions where the authors have made efforts to include more diversity, but at the cost of plot or character arc. My opinion (and I’ll stress this is just my opinion, not fact) is that most people who read for pleasure, particularly children and young adults, are not looking for a lesson or teaching moment — they are looking for a story or character to engage with. Finding the right balance, so important themes are present but not overpowering the other narrative elements, is very difficult.

    Many sales teams will argue that titles representing diversity don’t sell. Can you provide an example of a successful book — with diverse characters or plot lines — in the children’s book marketplace at the moment?

    I can point to my client Becky Albertalli’s young adult novel Simon Vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, which incorporates an LGBT romance plot line as well as an ethnically diverse cast of characters. This debut novel has received nearly universal acclaim, both critically (four starred reviews, long-listed for the National Book Award, a 2016 Morris Award contender) and commercially (over 180 reviews on Amazon and an energetic online and in-person fan base), and even a film deal (Fox 2000 has acquired the film rights, with the producing team behind the Fault In Our Stars film adaptation attached). I’m thrilled to report that the love for this book doesn’t appear to be dying down, nearly a year after its initial publication!


    Why do you think children’s television shows like “Dora the Explorer” or “Diego” are more successful at [promoting] diversity than the children’s publishing industry?

    I can’t speak too much to this point, as I’m not actively watching children’s television programming. I can say that shows like “Dora the Explorer" appear to follow the same format as groundbreaking shows like “Sesame Street,” in that they present content for a diverse audience, making learning and cross-cultural experience both active and fun.

    Perhaps that is one area that children’s book publishing can focus on — emphasizing learning about diversity in an engaging, dynamic, and/or entertaining manner, rather than making it feel like a homework assignment.

    If publishing houses are reluctant to acquire diversity-inclusive projects for fear of lower sales, how can agents help in finding sales opportunities and interested markets?

    In all honesty, I’m not finding publishing houses hesitant to acquire diversity-inclusive projects. I think, particularly in the last year, the publishing industry as a whole has admitted that it has a diversity problem and is taking steps to address this.

    As far as hastening the process along, though, I find that simply presenting myself as an agent interested in diversity-inclusive and diversity-oriented projects has opened up a lot of doors for both me and my clients. Book clubs, activists, community outreach organizations, and authors have all reached out in the last couple years, presenting new opportunities to my clients, and new potential clients to me. I think advertising that you want to be an ally and part of a constructive movement helps establish connections that might not otherwise be apparent. Community outreach is key, whether it’s local or through a wider network via social media, tours, or Skype visits.


    Brooks Sherman is a literary agent with the Bent Agency. Before starting his career in publishing, Brooks spent several years working in the entertainment industry (in both New York and Hollywood), and two years with the Peace Corps in West Africa. He is a hands-on, editorial agent who delights in developing projects with his clients before bringing them to the attention of publishers. Brooks seeks projects that balance strong voice with gripping plot lines. You can find him sharing publishing news and horrible puns on Twitter: @byobrooks.

  • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Supports Underserved Communities This Holiday Season with Book Donation Valued at $1.35 Million

    BOSTON, MA – Global learning company Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH) is giving the gift of reading this holiday season by donating nearly 100,000 books, valued at $1.35 million, to thousands of …

  • The Evolution of Punctuation

    While texting and the Internet have led to various linguistic shortcuts for teens (and even their parents), most of us engage in “code-switching,” shifting between different modes of speech and writing. This …

  • Happy Anniversary, ‘Emma’!

    From realistic contemporary fiction to manga, the world of Austen adaptations for teens is seemingly endless. Though these recent takes on the Regency romp rely on different formats and genre…all …

  • #DrawingDiversity: ‘The Grudge Keeper,’ illustrated by Eliza Wheeler

    The Grudge Keeper by Mara Rockliff, illustrated by Eliza Wheeler (Peachtree Publishers, April 2014). All rights reserved. @peachtreepublishers

  • The Holidays Arrive Early For Independent Booksellers And School Libraries

    New York, NY — James Patterson is kicking off the holiday season with a thank-you gift to independent bookstore employees and school libraries: $2 million in grants and bonuses. This year, …

  • School Library Buzz

    Makerspaces and learning commons, special spaces set aside for collaborative work, are gaining popularity in school libraries across the country. Additional trends include STEM-focused programming such as Hour of Code, …

  • Diversity in the News: December 2015

    The newsletter is a valuable resource for librarians, teachers, booksellers, parents and caregivers, publishing professionals, and children’s literature lovers. Find thought-provoking articles, diverse new releases, and more in this month’s issue and sign …

  • Bringing Diverse Books into the Classroom

    Teachers are catching onto the value of a diverse and representative curriculum that reflects students’ backgrounds. I also found ways to relate each text to [students’] personal experiences. A mini literary …

  • Holiday Sales for Children’s Books

    Big trends of 2015 include adult coloring books, book 10 of Jeff Kinney’s Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, and both Crayons titles by Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers. Also of …

  • Little, Brown Books for Young Readers to Publish Astronaut Chris Hadfield’s Debut Picture Book, The Darkest Dark, in Fall 2016

    New York, NY — World-renowned astronaut and New York Times bestselling author Chris Hadfield makes his children’s book debut in Fall 2016 with The Darkest Dark, a picture book illustrated by Eric …

  • #DrawingDiversity: ‘Anya’s Ghost’ by Vera Brosgol

    Anya’s Ghost by Vera Brosgol (Square Fish/@macmillankids​ , March 2014). All rights reserved. 

  • New Podcast Series, “Scholastic Reads,” Launches Today With Behind-The-Scenes Stories About The Harry Potter Series

    NEW YORK – “Scholastic Reads,” a new podcast about children’s books and the joy and power of reading launches today with a behind-the-scenes look at the Harry Potter series as …

  • The Every Student Succeeds Act

    The law, which passed with flying colors in both the House and Senate, represents a key moment of bipartisanship. The act is also the first piece of federal education legislation in …

  • Encouraging Kids to Write

    For kids who dread picking up the pencil, here are a few tips to get their creative juices flowing: Write letters to family or favorite authors Write and illustrate a …

  • Lionsgate Executives Hope to Create Hunger Games Prequel Movies

    The executives at Lionsgate, the movie studio behind the popular film franchise, hope to create prequel movies. Book fans know that while Collins does reference past Hunger Games events in …

  • Kid Lit Authors on the Books that Shaped Them

    From Kwame Alexander to Kevin Henkes, our favorite children’s book authors and illustrators all started out as young readers, enthralled by great stories. ‘For a young reader that’s an important …

  • Nominations Open for the NYC Neighborhood Library Awards

    Five branch libraries will be awarded a grand prize of $20,000 each, and five runners-up will receive $10,000. Click here to submit your nomination!

  • Reflecting on CBC Diversity

    Contributed by Mark von Bargen, Senior Director of Trade Sales of Children’s Books at Macmillan

    With the year coming to a close, I am finishing up a two-year term on the CBC Diversity Committee. It has been a great honor to work with the committee. They are doing amazing work, putting together terrific programs that are bringing about real change in our industry. As a final blog post, I wanted to share some thoughts.

    When first starting on the committee, it seemed like a swirl of ideas, opportunities, and issues, all combating preconceived notions. It was hard to get a sense of where to go. One issue that kept coming up was the ability to find diverse books — the problem of “discoverability.” With somewhere between six hundred thousand and one million books being published each year, accurate categorization is vital to ensuring that books can be found. Our industry subject codes, the Book Industry Standards and Communications (BISACs) are outdated, with some categories not represented. Some books that address diverse social issues do not have an aligned category code. As a result, they are given overly generic codes. When this happens, especially with novels, they are often lost in the tidal wave of “fiction.” Thanks to the work of the committee, there are new codes being added to help the categorization problem. There is more to be done. Categorization is not static. It evolves, like language. As a group we need to keep current.

    What keeps coming back to me is that diversity is about sharing stories and ensuring that voices are heard. Of course, the issue goes beyond children’s books. But every change starts with a moment; a moment that is a conversation, a thought, or a story. The stories we publish create those moments. There are enough logistical challenges in publishing books. The whole publishing process, from author to reader, can feel like a “pass the egg” game at a kids’ party.

    It’s pretty safe to say that we all share the goal of understanding our world and making it better. Thanks to technology, the ability to speak up and be heard is more powerful than we could have imagined a generation ago. I recently saw a map that shows how much of the world is connected to the internet.


    It’s startling to see how concentrated the coverage is, where it is, and where it isn’t. Looking at this map shows how lucky we are. To understand our world, we need to be the light for those who are not. We have the tools to do that. We have the passion to do that. In some ways, we are being the light for those in the darkness.

    We all have our comfort zones. When I look at what is now in mine, much of it was at one time outside of it. As we accumulate experience, our comfort zone grows —consciously and subconsciously. Great stories come from many sources.  Getting out of one’s comfort zone is essential to finding those stories. My resolution for 2016 is to venture more out of my comfort zone and make it bigger.

    None of what I’m saying is new. But putting it down in writing is new for me. Thanks for listening.


    Mark von Bargen is the Senior Director of Trade Sales of Children’s Books at Macmillan. He started in the book business in 1988 as a book store manager and has held buying, marketing and sales positions at Baker & Taylor, Simon & Schuster and Macmillan. He currently specializes in children’s book sales through independent bookstores and educational wholesalers and is an out-going member of the CBC Diversity Committee.

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