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Carrying On After Orlando

Contributed by Ashley Woodfolk, Marketing 
Manager, Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group

Weeks ago, when I signed up for
a guest post in June, I had planned it to be a celebration of Pride month. I 
had planned to do a round-up of all my favorite YA novels that feature LGBTIA 
plus characters, like Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe,
I’ll Give You the Sun, Carry On, and Ask the Passengers.
But I can’t write light-heartedly about how I love Simon Vs. The Homosapien 
almost as much as I love Oreos, or how Boy Meets Boy was the 
first book that made me really think about the things I’d been raised to 
believe, because 49 people senselessly died this month just because of where 
they were and who they love, and writing about books feels embarrassingly 
insignificant, if not completely impossible.

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