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Day in the Life (In-Office): Maggie Salko

Marketing Coordinator, Little Bee Books

Day: Tuesday, April 4, 2023

8:30 – 9 AM: The day begins with a commute to the Little Bee Books office in Soho! With our hybrid work plan, I spend 2 to 3 days a week in our office, and the rest remotely at home. 

9 – 10 AM: Once I’m in the office I make myself a big cup of coffee and settle into checking and responding to my emails. As our social media manager I’ll also spend some time checking in on our accounts and responding to any DMs we received overnight. 

10 – 10:30 AM: Every Tuesday my boss and I sit down and go over big tasks for the week. Since it’s just the two of us in marketing, this is basically a department meeting. 

10:30 AM – 12:00 PM: Luckily our usual acquisitions meeting during this time got postponed, so I spend some time putting in our award submissions, creating sell sheets, and up-keeping our digital marketing efforts. 

12:00 – 1:00 PM:  Lunch time! I normally grab a salad and sit down to read a book for a bit, but today I decided to go out for lunch with our wonderful design team. 

1:00 – 1:30 PM: This is a short period of time so I work on locking up events for our authors and communicating with bookstores about author pitches. 

1:30 – 2:30 PM: Once a month the marketing team sits down with the CEO and our sales team to recap our efforts over the last month and upcoming projects. Whenever we have these meetings I’ll present a recap of our Facebook and Google Ads, and how they have impacted sales. Additionally we’ll talk about upcoming events and ongoing campaigns. 

2:30 – 4:00 PM: During this longer stretch of time I’ll work on outreach and mailing. This includes emailing influencers/bookstagrammers in addition to news outlets. Once I confirm addresses and a list of titles to ship out, I’ll print shipping labels and package up books to bring down to UPS at the end of the day. 

4:00 – 5:00 PM: The home stretch! I normally spend the last hour of the day tying up any loose ends that have come through, whether it’s requests for digital galleys, or continuing communication with authors & bookstores.

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